Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Ego Maniac


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Jay Dedman said...

yep...but we're also communicating with each other in a way thats never been possible before.
keep on making and ong as youre also watching and listening to others.

At 5:51 AM, Blogger Carl Weaver said...

No, I hate being in the public eye. Haha. Seriously, I am more taken with the medium than anything else. I love to see what people produce, most of which is not done with professional equipment or by people with formal training or experience.

The market has allowed us to have the technical capabilities for this type of thing at extremely low prices. I am constantly amazed by what people come up with. To me, the real value in vlogging is the free expression and the possibilities for new media outlets and news coverage, not the opportunity for me to show off, even though I am guilty of that as well.

Keep up the good work!


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